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wsl 에서 zsh 삭제. 접속 불가. ㅠ 해결

자무카 2022. 12. 29.

I'll throw in a few non-root options as well for future readers:

In this particular question, where the user's shell was set to Zsh, which had been uninstalled:

wsl -e bash

The -e/--exec argument launches the specified executable in place of the shell defined in /etc/passwd. Then, of course, a chsh could be issued from inside WSL.

Or we can just shortcut it entirely with:

wsl -e chsh -s /usr/bin/bash

... to directly change the shell.

Finally, for users who have made a bad edit to one of their startup files and can't launch:

이 방법으로 해결. 쌩유베리감사

wsl ~ -e bash --noprofile --norc

This will launch Bash (in the default user directory) without processing the startup files, so you can find the problem and fix it.
